
Uh Oh, Somebody's In Trouble

Woman Found Dead In Airport Holding Cell.

Synopsis: Carol Ann Gotbaum became agitated after she was refused passage on a US Airways flight (she was apparently late). She was rebooked on the next flight, and started running around. Officers handcuffed her and placed her in the holding room where she kept on screaming. They checked on her when she stopped screaming and found her dead. They speculate that she tried to get out of her handcuffs, got entangled and ended up with them "around her neck."

What's even worse is:

"Gotbaum was the daughter-in-law of New York City's public advocate. PubicAdvocate Betsy Gotbaum tells the New York Daily News that the family is "extraordinarily upset." She says the family is watching the investigation closely. She says her daughter-in-law had three very small children."

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