Another one from the list of stupid-things-to-do. I'm going to coin a term here, "stock market hypnosis," when you're so involved in the price that you go nuts trading and rack up commissions and then curl up into a fetal ball and refuse to take your loss. Or worse, add to the position. Not only does it blow your psyche, but it damages your account.
I think, what happens is, you make money and you think everything is good, then you start to relax your parameters... let your losses run... pull your stops...try to "optimize" around your method. then BLAM... turns out you've deviated from your rules and your account falls down the tubes. And your confidence. Only afterwards do you suffer from the regret of knowing which rules you broke.
Oh, and that frustration you feel? It's cuz you're emotionally vested in your position. You try to predict the market and you hope that you've gotten it right. Then the market slaps you and you feel frustrated because you're wrong. But see, there is no "right" or "wrong." Right or wrong are concepts that we come up with to try to predict the market. There is only - the market. It will do whatever it does, and you should just be there for the ride.

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